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Written by Shawn

Here are a few things I have come across that mean so much to us now. It is funny how all those seemingly thousands of school papers become a treasure you hate to just toss out. I am quite a packrat and I always keep samples of each child's work for the year. I was behind in doing this at the time of Shawn's death and it was a painful task to do so afterwards. The following are some things I wanted to share...

I am not sure exactly when Shawn started doing this but for several years he had begun putting a silly little face on his school papers, folders, cards and whatever other papers he had. Under the face he would always write, "Forget Me Not." It became a kind of personal signature for him. After he died I had several boxes of papers to sort through. Some of  Shawn's school papers were mixed in and I found one with that on it. Needless to say, it made me cry but I also wonder yet what made him start doing that. For whatever reason, it has come to mean so much more now and, indeed, we will never, ever forget him.

I love this because it tells you so much about Shawn. It was such an honest, open perception of himself and that was a very typical Shawn-like trait.
Fun, nice, fair and funny
Son of Laurie and Bill
Lover of soccer, baseball and hockey
Who feels happy, sad and inbetween
Who finds happiness in his cat,
     playing with friends and seeing his grandparents
Who needs hugs, smiles
     and buddies
Who gives kindness, help
     and happiness
Who fears wolves, parachuting
     and bears
Who would like to see "Oliver", Disneyland,
     and the Sears Tower
Who enjoys pizza, the color blue
     and likes soccer
Who likes to wear long pants, t-shirts
     and running shoes
Resident of the Milky Way

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